Recent talk shows, vlogs, interviews, presentations, and webinars:
Talk-show episode, Fulbright Fellows and Friends, Welcome to Fulbright-NJ! – “Fulbright” is one of the most prestigious exchange programs in the world. From a conversation of two former Fulbright Scholars, Fiona Citkin (Fulbright-NJ Board member) and Pat Hutchinson (Fulbright-NJ President) you will learn what it means to be “in a Fulbright state of mind.” The noble goals of the Fulbright Association NJ Chapter include reunion of the like-minded, cultural-diversity-oriented academic and professional leaders—for the better good of our society.
Talk-show episode, How to Remain a Rainmaker in High-Tech: Sophie Vandebroek Speaks Fiona Citkin is interviewing her book-subject of “How They Made It in America.” Sophie Vandebroek, former COO of IBM Research and CTO of Xerox shares her strategies for successful high-tech career. You also learn how to become a big achiever starting as an immigrant student; how to become part & parcel of true American meritocracy; in short – how to remain a rainmaker in the industry traditionally tough for women.
Talk-show episode, Women of the World, Unite! – – This is all about critical issues for modern women and US-American culture. As President of Global Summit of Women, the interviewee Irene Natividad became a prominent uniter of women and a modern feminist. Fiona and Irene discussed modern feminist flavors that characterize different women who stand up for women’s – and their own – rights.
Talk-show episode, How to Be Sensational at Sixty – The Bridge talk-show interviewee, Cindy Gallop, quickly rose in the ranks at BBH-London—but finally founded her own brand “MakeLoveNotPorn” video-sharing website, which is all about good lovemaking. We discuss issues regarding women’s positioning in the modern world, ageism, US and New York City culture, how her London boss helped Cindy to build her Dream, role of mothers in our lives, the pandemic consequences, etc. Enjoy the bright women’s thinking!
Talk-show episode, Teaching French to American Children – My guest for The Bridge interview Anne-Sophie Gueguen speaks from her experience of founding French American Academy. The point is: our children will do better in life and career if they speak at least one additional “super” language, such as French, Spanish, German, Mandarin Chinese, etc.
Talk-show episode, How to Crack the Creativity Code – Kerry Bannigan is a success story of creativity: she started from scratch, then co-founded Nolcha Shows providing equal opportunities for independent designers, then identified OTHER niches for services, founding Conscious Fashion Campaign, an initiative in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships. Their partners collectively represent over $4.7 billion revenue and 800 events worldwide. Listen how she got there.
Talk-show episode, Going High When Some Go Low – We discuss an ethical principle, critical at the time of multilevel national crisis. Darlene Slaughter, Chief People’s Officer of March of Dimes speaks about role-modeling for taking the high road: preserving one’s reputation and telling the truth; being authentic; and having courageous conversations with those in power, no matter what. This is essential for all people who care about equal opportunities and want to oppose “alternative truths” of those who go low.
Talk-show episode, Diversiculturalist Success in the US – Essential for every culturally divided country – women and men alike – diversiculturalist expertise is uneven across the board and is an extremely competitive field. In this interview we explore ways of upping inclusion and discovering how our unconscious impacts our effectiveness. What is at stake? Our national unity!
Talk-show episode, From France with Love to Teenagers – All loving parents need to know: our teenagers became super sensitive under the pandemic situation, so we need to give them more attention than ever. There is no easy way, no vaccine for parental lack of focus on children. Fiona Citkin interviewed Valerie Grison-Alsop who came from France and founded a nonprofit “Give Us The Floor” – providing peer support that teenagers need to deal with stresses of all kinds. Along the way, hear about cultural differences of working in France and the US.
Talk-show episode, From Fearful to Fearless in the US, – Success story of Veronica Montes from Mexico is nothing short of a breakthrough. She started in the US from scratch, as a daughter of a divorced immigrant mother – and moved up with PH.D. in Sociology, publications in prestigious journals on gender issues, and professorship at the upscale College. Her journey of a fearful girl turning into a fearless personality and confident researcher adds to a triumph of American University education system.
Talk-show episode, My Darling Baby Zoomers, – What is it about our younger generation that blows us out of the socks? I think it is their learning styles: they are sponging many things we had no idea about when their age. And today, they are the Zoomer generation, a special new species. We need to give them the floor – and listen up! Life goes on, pandemic or not!
Talk-show episode, Giving Voice to the Voiceless Our guest is Kaye Foster-Cheek, a black immigrant woman from Barbados who reinvented self from an island girl into a top HR Executive and consultant of major US pharmaceutical companies. She found her own voice – and now she helps others do the same, through her work with Human Resources.
Talk-show episode, Being an Inclusive Leader in High-Tech America Interview with CEO Maya Strelar-Migotti
Talk-show episode Domestic Violence – OR
Talk-show interview, American English with an Accent – +
Vlog, Pandemic-provoked Gender Inequality,
Blog, Inclusion Theater and Diversity reset, –
Blog, Pandemic Consequences for Women – – offering a big-picture on the pandemic. Let’s get real and count our blessings!
Vlog, Pandemic Consequences for Women, – – Here is my new vlog, featuring systematized comprehensive balanced content – good for all,
Launching the new talk-show The Bridge for Women Worldwide, in June 2020, with episode One, Women Worldwide on the Rise: What Do They Bring to the Table? Starring Irmgard Lafrentz, a German-American businesswoman and volunteer
Blog on Thrive Global, Out with Inclusion-for-Show, In with Diversity Reset:
Middlesex College of NJ – book reading and presentation, March 5 2020:
SIETAR-USA webinar, February 2020, Becoming an American: How Immigrant Women Cracked the US-American Success Code:
SIETAR-USA conference on October 31 2019, Atlanta GA, presenting on “Migrants’ Success in the US: Common Denominators to Learn and Pass On” –
Presentation and Book Reading from How They Made It in America, at Charis Books on October 30, 2019, 7-9 PM – Decatur, GA, Agnes Scott College audience (the most prominent Women’s college)
Anthropology Club at Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, October 28 2019, 1:30-3:30 PM – topic “Immigrant Women as a Special Subset of American Womankind.”
Multicultural Society at Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, October 29, 2019, 12-1:30 PM – topic “How Multicultural Women Contribute to America’s Well-Being and Culture.”
SIETAR-Europa Congress, May 31, 2019, in Leuven Belgium: presenting “Lessons from Successful Women: How They Made It in America”-
NABE Pinnacle Book Achievement Award Winner, in Women’s Interest category for Winter 2019:
Voice America, Interview with Patricia Raskin Show, May 6th 2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Live Eastern POSITIVE LIVING – Voice America Radio Network. (NATIONAL) Listen here:
Cristina Volpi’s review for Coaching Zone Magazine,
Interview by One-Click Lindsey: No 8 at “50 Books for Small Businesses”,
Straight Talk Show, by WEEU Editor Nick Lawrence, a leading national radio talk show host and television personality. May 28th, 2019,, Listen here:
Monday, April 29th 8:10 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Live Eastern – THE NEAL STEELE SHOW WXGM RADIO/Williamsburg, VA & Virginia Regional
Monday, April 29th 10:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Live Eastern TALK LOUISIANA with Host Jim Engster – WRKF RADIO/Baton Rouge, Louisiana (NPR)SYNDICATED
Monday, April 29th – 2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Taped Eastern THE CULTURE BUZZ KFMG FM/Des Moines, Iowa
May 8 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2019 – Live Eastern MARY JANE POPP SHOW – KAHI RADIO/Sacramento, CA & Northern California; Stockton-Modesto, CA
May 1st 9:30 a.m. to 9:38 a.m. Live Eastern THE MORNING SHOW with host Chuck Kramer – WEAG RADIO/Jacksonville, Starke, & North Central Florida Regions
May 8th 8:35 a.m. to 8:55 a.m. Live Eastern BILL LUSBY MORNING SHOW – WNAV RADIO 14: 30 AM/Baltimore/Annapolis, Maryland
May 8th 10:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Taped Eastern LIVE LINE WESB RADIO Buffalo, NY &/Southeastern NY & Northern Pennsylvania
May 9th 4:30 p.m. to 4:40 p.m. Live Eastern DOWNTOWN with Host Rich Kimball – WZON AM/ZONE RADIO/Bangor, Maine (Central Maine)
Tuesday, May 28th 9:20 a.m. to 9:35 a.m. Live Eastern PREFERRED RADIO (New Jersey Regional Area – SYNDICATED) – With hosts Joel Markel & Lori Draz
Lana Kim’s interview – live at 3pm (2:55pm EST to be precise) on February 27:
Ana Palacios McBride’s, a book review, for Contacto Latino:
Deborah Levine’s – March 12 219, podcast interview for American Diversity Report: AND
Radio TalkShow, Edwin Cohen’s interview for Global HR News, –
Medium’s Authority Magazine, interview by Alexandra Spirer –
“Thrive Global” article by Alexandra Spirer
Article in Echoes Sentinel by ALEX PARKER-MAGYAR, Editor – “Warren author explores success stories of immigrant women” –
Fiona Citkin tells about herself and how she came to writing a book “How They Made It in America” which features prominent American immigrant women and outlines their paths to success in the US: watch the video at
Preview of a new book “How They Made It in America”: author and two of the book subjects discuss the book’s relevance in our day and time, s well as their key strategies of becoming a success in the US:
Delivered a keynote on July 11, 2018 at Global Digital Marketing Summit-2, for Texila e-Conference – here’s its preview
Presented on the topic of “Identities of Immigrant Women: Reinventing Selves in America” when participating in the IX SIETAR ITALIA Annual Conference, “Multicultural Identities” on May 5th-6th 2017,
Published an article “Key Domains of Developing Multicultural Identity” in “MULTICULTURAL IDENTITIES: Challenging the Sense of Belonging,” Edited by Maura Di Mauro & Bettina Gehrke, Biblioteca della Fondazione, 2018, pp. 87-106; you can read it at:
Webinar “Expatriates, Immigrants, Refugees: Women’s Perspective” was hosted by SIETAR-Europa, April 24, 2017. Attended by a record number of people, it is available at
The cover of DyNAMC Magazine featured Fiona together with the other leaders interviewed in 2015:
Podcast Interview to National Association of Minority Companies Inc. (NAMCO): read/listen to it HERE
Interview to Displaced Nation, published in July 2015, READ HERE
Before the SIETAR-Europa conference in Valencia, Spain, on request of colleagues-interculturalists, Fiona shared how blogging on a major media platform helps to reach out to our audience in “How to become a blogger for the Huffington Post”
Two TV interviews: 5/18/14 – to New York cable TV, by Tiziana Rinaldi, anchor (see a 5-min fragments at and
Interview to IAIR – a European business magazine, based in Italy (equivalent to American Forbes), READ HERE