Success Tips
As part of the interviews my book ACHIEVERS, many outstanding immigrant women gave exclusive advice from the heart, to help advance other women’s success in the US. They sound stimulating as well as wise—so please take a note of what may apply to you:
Isabel Allende, world-famous Chilean-American writer, showed her caring:
- “We, immigrant women, bring many wonderful things with us: first, biculturalism; second – bilingualism. So remember: we are richer because of this.”
- “Take the best this country has to offer and retain what your country equipped you with (for example, profound sense of community and family vs. typical American families often being scattered, kids going to college and coming back only for Thanksgiving, at best)—but do not look back.”
- “Remember, it’s wonderful that everybody brings so many different things to the US, which makes it a stronger country. Many Americans don’t realize the richness that immigrants bring—forgetting about the ancestors who came in a boat.”
Edwina Sandys, a British-American sculptor and artist, focused on showing respect to the American people:
- “Speak English well—it’s showing the respect to the country as well. Language can be a huge barrier to your success.”
- “It’s important not to be angry. Be respectful to all people because you came from another country and America accepted you.”
- “It’s important to be yourself—as much yourself as you can be. Do not pose for somebody you are not.”
Ivana Trump, business woman and socialite, shared her hard-earned wisdom morsels:
- “I think the most difficult issue facing immigrants is learning how to write and speak such a complex language [English]. So many nuances, and words that mean different things, make it difficult and frustrating. But, if you stick with it, eventually you get it. And if you don't really understand—smile a lot. It makes you look very wise and happy.”
- “Believe in yourself… in all you can do... and for you, the deals will start to work in your favor. You need to be open to such deals, and they will come, I assure you.”
- “You have to have a certain ego if you want to achieve something. You have to have certain goals…. Good luck now!”
Ani Palacios McBride, founder of Contacto Latino and International Latino Book Awards Winner, found succinct and crystal-clear wording:
- “In America, everything is possible. Even as we go through a horrible downturn in the USA, this country is still the innovator of the world. Whatever you dream of achieving, this is still the place to do it.”
- “Make sure you insert yourself into society-at-large. Give yourself an equal opportunity by learning English, making American friends, and exploring American customs. As you rebirth, you can choose to delete some of your country of origin customs and way of looking at the world that maybe you never cared for and add some new customs from this country.”
- “Immigrating is a second chance at life, at starting all over. Make sure your sacrifices are not lost in the shuffle; make sure you get what you want.”