Transformational Diversity
Philip Berry, President, Chief Human Resources Officer at Clinton Foundation; Philip Berry Associates LLC; former SVP of Global Workplace Initiatives at Colgate Palmolive, has this to say:
The field of diversity and inclusiveness has numerous articles which address how this is handled in the United States. However, as companies pay increasingly more attention to how they operate globally, more perspective is needed regarding the cross cultural dimension.
This work by Fiona Citkin and Lynda Spielman adds greatly to the discussion concerning how those interested in diversity and inclusiveness on a global level can maximize their efficacy. The book provides a rich perspective grounded in an understanding and sensitivity to the role that practitioners must play if they are going to be true global players. It would be remiss for D & I professionals not to read this important work.
Dr. George F. Simons, creator of Diversophy® and Member, Board of Directors at Society For Diversity Executives & Professionals; sits on the governing boards of SIETAR Europa and SIETAR France; Member, Intercultural Think Tank at Agence Iter France, has this to say:
Diversity and intercultural expertise have been uneasy bedfellows for many years now: diversity running from the passion for fairness and justice to being marketed as good for corporate ROI; the intercultural flip-flopping from research and ivory tower model building to tip sheets on dealing with “foreigners.” Your Money or your Life not only brings underlying causes of this discomfiting relationship into the light of day, but demands that we look at how we do both disciplines if they are to enter a mutually enriching relationship rather than a liaison of convenience.
In these days of corporate rescue, infusions of capital instead of people smarts will only deepen our crises. “Inclusion” is the buzz word of the day and focus of this book—not without reason, as the concept drives us to look at authentic differences and skills and the value they add rather than focusing on stereotypes, accents and skins. Citkin and Spielman urge us to explore, use and create the next level of best practices for collaboration that is neither colonial nor venal nor patronizing, but transformational for people and the organizations they serve.
Robert S. Nadel, Management Consultant, Licensed Psychologist (PA), and former President of The Human Resources Association of New York, has this to say:
This book is a required “booster shot” for any company officer, manager or consultant who believes their bottom line can be improved through greater productivity. The writers have developed both a 40,000 foot view of the strategic and conceptual issues concerning diversity and productivity and in addition an on-the-ground practical and experientially based view of the issues concerned with implementing diversity concepts and productivity enhancement.
Peter W. Hayward, founder and Senior Partner of Expanding Horizons International (EHI), a consultancy firm that specializes in organizational structure and intercultural training for community-based and international clients, has this to say:
Citkin and Spielman address the issue of diversity as it is today. Focusing on the evolving issues surrounding diversity, the authors help the reader to understand how the issue of diversity has changed – how globalization and a more international workforce comprised of a variety of cultures, talents and work pedagogies have raised out understanding of diversity to a higher level, and that the way we need to address diversity has to change in order for companies to continue operating at peak effectiveness and efficiency.
Guiding the reader through the How, What and Why of Transformational Diversity Citkin and Spielman take us through a step by step explanation of how the changing economic scene and evolving business pedagogy has brought about the need to take diversity training to the next level. The authors conclude with realistic applications of the Transformational Diversity model including accessible web-based applications for instituting the Transformational Diversity process.
Ci Ci Holloway, Chief Human Resources Executive, Lincoln Financial Media; former Managing Director, Diversity and Inclusion, Americas, UBS Investment Bank, has this to say:
“We at UBS tried and tested some of TD programs within our Diversity Today and The Diversity Experience series. Transformational Diversity extends traditional Diversity efforts shifting the focus to Inclusive Leadership, putting interpersonal and intercultural business competencies on center stage – and maintaining that when tolerance-development and workplace relationships are taken a good care of, this results in productivity and performance improvement—and then ROI takes care of itself.
TD initiatives can be useful both for global and pre-global companies. The roadmap to roll out suggested by the authors has been, in part, implemented by UBS Investment Bank and maintaining that by utilizing difference and maximizing workplace relationships, will result in productivity and performance improvement.”
Jim Wall, Global Managing Director, Talent, and Chief Diversity Officer, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, has this to say:
We want to congratulate Lynda and Fiona for an important book that resonates with the latest thinking in the global diversity and inclusion arena. Intercultural competence allows us to bridge differences in thinking styles, viewpoints, and behaviors to act as one team and leverage the diverse strengths everyone brings to the table locally or globally. With this book, Lynda and Fiona introduce concepts that combine the intercultural field and diversity insights for Learning and Development professionals who want to create a globally inclusive organization. This book is a door opener for transformation.